Where was this library and up load a pic of the place that shows a good example. Alexandria was in Alexandria, Egypt.
Find an image of what people think the library might have looked like, maybe find a virtual tour.
Find an image of this city and how it looks today. How the city use to look like.
How the Alexandria looks today.
A little history about the library.
"Alexandria (population 4 million) is Egypt's second-largest city. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC - not being the most modern person on Earth, he simply named it after himself. Then the city grew continuously, in size and importance - becoming one of the major sites of the antique Mediterranean. It was famous for its lighthouse (built in the 3rd century BC, between 285 and 247 BC) which was included in the Seven Wonders of the World. However, what was most crucial in giving Alexandria the reputation of being an intellectual hub, was the legendary Royal Library of Alexandria - at the time of its existence the greatest library in the world. Unfortunately, it was destroyed,but in 2003 the Bibliotheca Alexandria was opened at almost the same place." from: awams.com This is the new library.
Define a scroll and find an image? A scroll is a roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper which has been written, drawn or painted upon for the purpose of transmitting information.(wikipedia.org)
What is an obelisk find an image, what are they used for?
An obelisk (from Greek ὀβελίσκος - obeliskos,diminutive of ὀβελός - obelos, "spit, nail, pointed pillar") is a tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top. Ancient obelisks were often monolithic whereas most modern obelisks are made of several stones, and can even have interior spaces.
My ununderstandingshat they were built to honor the sun God Ra, and represent the sun rays shining down. Similar to a pyrmid. and are found in New york, London, paris, etc.
Who was Alexander, find an image? Alexander the Great (356 BC to 323 BC) was the King of Macedonia. He conquered most of the known world through vigorous military campaigns. He was never defeated in battle. He was born in Paella, Macedonia, in July 356 BC. His educator was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle.
When was the the library destroyed and why/ who?
When: 48 B.C.
Who: Julius Caesar
Why:accidentally burned the library when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea find some of the writers of the books that were recovered.
Describe what was in the library? books, a zoo, a gragden,dissecting room etc. How many books and rooms? one million books and 10 rooms. Why was this library so important? because it had one million books and all the knowledge of their time.
Define Astronomy: is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as the cosmic background radiation). (wikipedia.com) Find an image of the big dipper,Orion, Cassiopeia,astrolabe: Find a pic of the constellations: What is the speed of light: The speed of light per second = 299 792 458 m / s2 Describe why we should study stars? because it helps us understand what we are made of and how we were made. How are atoms made? find a good sight and give its link: Atoms are formed from constituent particles, the measurement of which is difficult because they are affected by the measuring instruments. The elementary particles (neutron, proton, and electron) are theorized to be stable combinations of unstable, higher-energy particles known as quarks. Quarks cannot be observed in normal matter because they rapidly combine to form other particles. (answers.com) Did the ancients know that the earth was round? yes
up load an image of mars, try to stay in known web sites, NASA, etc...just be cautious of what you open please. have fun with this blog, lots of cool research. Image on top.
Find the H.G. wells broadcast from you tube that Orsen wells read. What happened?
A lot of people thought this was really happening because they would just tuned in not knowing that it was being read from a book.Many people killed them self because of this.
Find an image of the Viking 1 robot and a few pics of what they found.
Find the pyramids of mars and the face of mars, called cydona..up load images
Do you think that there is life on mars? I think it's possible for some kind of life to be on mars but not the stereo type alien something much, much different.
Intellectuals:An intellectual is a person who uses intelligence (thought and reason) and analytical thinking, either in a professional or a personal capacity.(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectuals) avaunt guard:Avant-garde ( in French) means "advance guard" or "vanguard". The adjective form is used in English, to refer to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant-guard) Naivete:lack of sophistication or worldliness (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn) colorist: colorists - Artists, usually painters who give more importance to color believing that form may be differentiated using only color. (bigcityart.com) A painter able to achieve special effects with color (wordnetweb.com)
Define and find an image of a pantograph: Mechanical device used to copy a figure or change the scale. (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
TB or the illness of tuberculous: 1888-Rousseau's wife, Clémence, dies of tuberculosis.
Definition:"Infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions usually in the lungs."(wordnetweb.com)
What does it mean to be a self taughtartist:Educated or trained by oneself. (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/self-taught)
Find the paintings and upload the following
War orDiscord on Horseback:
The sleeping gypsy:
The Dream:
Portrait with landscape:
Which painting do you like the most, and why, give your overall impression of his work. I like The Dream the most out of the four because the colors are bold and I like the fact that he put in many different animals in the picture, it makes you look deeper in the picture.I like most of his art.The colors he used how he arranged them,he might be my favorite Post impressionist.
Related research
Find a link to the Paris world fair, explain a little about it, up load an image, Remember that the Eiffel tower was made for this exhibition. How did Rousseau use the fair for inspiration.
A LITTLE ABOUT THE FAIR: The Fair opened April 15, 1900 and Closed November 12 1900.The 1900 World Fair, held in Paris, was a celebration for the turn of the century, and attracted over 50 million visitors.
ROUSSEAU and the FAIR: "1889 • He visits the 1889 Paris World's Fair and is inspired to write a play on the subject, a light comedy entitled A Visit to the 1889 Exhibition. • He also paints Myself, Portrait-Landscape in which he features the Eiffel Tower, the famous Paris landmark built for the 1889 Exhibition." From:(http://www.tate.org/)
The fair inspired him to do all of his jungle paintings because at the fair they had a Safariexhibit. That's were he got most of his ideas for his animals and the plants.
Find an article about finding water on the moon and give its link, why do the scientists think this is so important? Cick here to hear verything about water on the moon!
Who said " One small step for man, one giant leap for man kind." Find a picture of the first spaceship to land on the moon, or a picture of a man on the moon. Neil Armstrong
What are linguistic origins of Luna? Roman mythology) the goddess of the Moon; counterpart of Greek Selene (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
What is a lunatic, do you think that the moon can influence behavior and why?
DEFINITION:A lunatic is a commonly used term for a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable: a condition once called lunacy. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunatic) or/and an insane person daredevil: a reckless impetuous irresponsible person insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn) MOON INFLUENCE: Yes, I do because The moon affects the level of the ocean tides, This occurs by the gravitational pull of the Moon.Now if people are made up of mostly water then wouldn't the moon have some affect on us as it dose on the ocean?Well I do believe that it dose affect us in some way. Maybe the affect is bigger for some people and maybe others dont even reallis the change. But I want you to pick for your self for NO I dont think the moon effects people click HERE. for YES I do think that the mooon effects people click HERE. True and false over 100 men have walked on the moon False the moon rotates in its own orbit True The moon is tilted True A new moon is when it is clearly seen in the sky False Ancients saw a round shadow on earth which influenced there thoughts on the shape of the moon True The earth goes around the sun True The moon goes around the earth True
Definitions Describe how the the moon cycles the earth, load an image:A lunar phase or phase of the moon refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. One half of the lunar surface is always illuminated by the Sun (except during lunar eclipses), and hence is bright, but the portion of the illuminated hemisphere that is visible to an observer can vary from 100% (full moon) to 0% (new moon). The boundary between the illuminated and unilluminated hemispheres is called the terminator. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_cycles)
Phase Of the Moon: New moon Waxing Crescent moon First Quarter Moon Waxing gibbous moon Full Moon Waning gibbous Moon Last Quarter Moon Waning Crescent Moon Darkened moon
Define Geology :a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
Describe how tides work:Tides are the rising of Earth's ocean surface caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun acting on the oceans. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tides)
Up load a picture of the sun( a live one if you can find it)
How many stars are in our galaxy? 400 billion star.
Find an image of the solar spectrum and give its definition with it.
Definition: The electromagnetic spectral distribution emitted by the sun or received by a collector or instrument on Earth. ... (rredc.nrel.gov/solar/glossary/gloss_s.html)
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum occupied by the wavelengths of solar radiation. The shape is well represented by the continuum emission ... (amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse)
What elements are in the sun?
Elements in the Sun
Element % of total atoms Hydrogen1.2 7
Helium 8.7
Oxygen 0.078
Carbon 0.043
Nitrogen 0.0088
Silicon 0.0045
Magnesium 0.0038
Neon 0.0035
Iron 0.030
Sulfur 0.015 Which elements are the most abundant? Hydrogen & Helium What color are cooler stars: RED What color are hotter stars: BLUE & white What is the number of years in one solar sun spot cycle? 11 years What happens in a solar sun spot cycle? The south and the north pole revere very 22 years.The solar cycle, or the solar magnetic activity cycle, is the main source of periodic solar variation driving variations in space weather. The cycle is observed by counting the frequency and placement of sunspots visible on the Sun. Powered by a hydromagnetic dynamo process driven by the inductive action of internal solar flows, the solar cycle. True or False Stars are all one color: F Stars have their color from the refection of the temperature:T Some animals can see humans in infra red light:T The sun is not yellow, it is mostly in the green spectrum with other colors and therefore is blinding white:T Temperature could be explained as atoms moving and hitting each other:T 109 earths can be placed across the sun:T Sun spots are hotter parts of the sun:F The sun rotates how many days for one full rotation.:30 The magnetic pole shifts every 22 years .T for 9 years the suns magnetic pole is North and South then it changes to South and North the after the next 11 years.F
Definitions Define and explain how a Black Body Spectrum is and how it is used (image if available):In physics, a black body is an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_body_spectrum Use: It determines what temperature of a star and planets.
sunspot:a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field Wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn solar wind:A flow of charged particles that travels from the Sun out into the Solar System.www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy_glossary.html Prominence:An eruption of hot gases above the photosphere of the Sun. Prominences are most easily visible close to the limb of the Sun, but some are also ... earthsci.org/processes/geopro/volc/volcterm.htm A large gas eruption off the surface of the sun. explorescientific.com/reference/glossary.html corona of the sun:(anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape a long cigar with blunt ends wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn sun flare: A sudden eruption of magnetic energy released on or near the surface of the sun, usually associated with sunspots and accompanied by bursts of electromagnetic radiation and particles. Ultraviolet and x-ray radiation from solar flares often induce electromagnetic disturbances in the earth's atmosphere. Cormasphere:the lower atmosphere of the Sun that appears as a thin rosy ring around the edge of the solar disk during a total eclipse. www.earthview.com/resources/glossary.htm The thin (10 000 km) layer of relatively transparent gases, predominantly hydrogen and helium, above the photosphere and below the corona of the sun. It is best observed during total solar eclipse when its emission spectrum may be studied. amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse Find an image of a human or animal in infra red light:
Fill in the Blank (italicize your word)
Humans infra red emitter light and visible light are reflectors. The sun is the nearest star to planet earth. An active stage is one which has a lot of sun spot activity. Astronomers use sun spots to measure the suns rotation.
Research Find information (maybe from a weather source) of how and why sun spots/flares and winds effect weather and conditions on earth. up load an image if one is helpful . unitl recently they did not think that sunspots effected the weather, but now there is some eviendeace that the solar sun spot cylce does effect us. It seems that after a 11 year cyle, which is coming up in the next two months, Jan 2010 sceienctics predict a colder winter for the south east part of the U.S. " The scientists say that it also affects North Atlantic storms and helps shape the weather from Japan to Canada and Europe to the Middle East, but that these effects have not yet been precisely pinned down. The 11-year sunspot peak is approaching in the next few months, and scientists believe this may turn out to be the most intense period of solar activity on record" (NY Times)
FRENCH GENERAL Define the french language and its organs. the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn French (français, ) is a Romance language(not because the french are considered Romantic but because the Language comes for Rome.) This language is spoken around the world by around 90 million people as first language, by 190 million as second ...most live in France but many live in Canada. Origins: Gaul is now France, then the land had a tribe called the Franks and the land was named after them.In 1914 France battles Germany in World War I.Later in the war around 1940 Germany invades France during World War II. In 1945, Britain, France, the U.S. and other allies defeat Germany, Japan and Italy.During 1944 After four years about, Paris is needs to be feed by German.1981:François Mitterrand is elected president. He is in office for 14 years, becoming the longest-serving president in French history. 2003 the U.S.-France relations are strained when France does not support the U.S. and Britain's use of military force in Iraq. For more info on France . click HERE.For kids Click HERE.
What is the Fleur de lis and a picture? In French, fleur de lis literally means "lily flower". It is widely thought to be a stylized version of the species Iris pseudacorus. Decorative ornaments that resemble the fleur-de-lis have appeared in artwork from the earliest human civilizations.It has consistently been used as a royal emblem. It is an essentially graphic theme found on Mesopotamiancylinders, Egyptian bas-reliefs, Mycenean pottery, Sassanid textiles, Gaulish and Mameluk coins, Indonesian clothes, Japanese emblems, and Dogon totems.(Wikipedia)
Find a picture of the Louve and what is it:
an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris louver: one of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain (wordnetweb.com)
One of the most important museums in the world, the Louvre was constructed by King Philippe-Auguste in 1190 as a fortress. ...(clevelandart.org)
French grammar Define pronoun: pronoun - A word like I, me, you, he, him, it etc. A pronoun replaces a noun.
(englishclub.com) Words that take the place of nouns. Example: he, she, it, they, we; She called her mother. pronoun - a word that can substitute for a noun phrase (eg he can substitute for John). ( source linguistics.com ) Define adjective:a word that expresses an attribute of something adjectival: of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause" the word class that qualifies nouns relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law; "adjective law" wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to modify a noun or pronoun, giving more information about the noun or pronoun's ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjective
Review of DVD lessons (one and two) beginning French
You many use your notes How do you ask someone what their name is? COMMENT T'APPELE TU? Define in french the following words formal you=Vous informal you=Tu charmed=Enchante mother=Mere here is=presente hello=Bonjour Ok Comme ci comme qa hows it going=ca va not bad= Pas mal my name is= Jem'appele we=Nous they=Ills he=Ill she=elle to be=etre my=ma but=mals I=je yes=oui no=non and=et never=jamais watch=Montre my familiy=ma famille nice=gentille
black: noir male/noire female (nwahr) white: blanc male/blanche female (blahng/blahnsh) gray:gris male/grise female (gree/greez) red: rouge both (roozh) blue: bleu male/bleue female (bluh) yellow: jaune both (zhawn) green: vert male/verte female (vehr/vehrt) orange: orange both (oh-RAHNZH) purple: violet both (vee-oh-LEH) brown:marron both (mah-ROHNG) pink:rose both (rose)
Show an image and define radiation in terms of electric charge: In physics, radiation describes any process in which energy emitted by one body travels through a medium or through space, ultimately to be absorbed by another body. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation
All matter is composed of atoms and many atoms are unstable. In fact, over half of the elements in the periodic table including uranium, are in a constant process of rearranging themselves. This is not something that humanity can control. When the nucleus of an atom attempts to become more stable, it releases energy, known as radiation. Once this happens the original atom changes into a new atom. In some instances, a new element is formed and in other cases, a new form of the original element, called an isotope, appears. The spontaneous change in the nucleus of an unstable atom that results in the emission of radiation is called radioactivity and this process of change is often referred to as the decay of atoms. (google.com)
Show an image and define Magnetic energyThe potential energy of a magnetic field (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/magnetic_energy)
Define an Isotope (image if available):one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn) Define an Ion:a particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn) Define Ionization:Ionization is the physical process of converting an atom or molecule into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions. This is often confused with dissociation (chemistry). (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization) Define Plank's equation E= hv This equation shows the property of light. The equation above is a fundamental equation to spectroscopists. Energy is equal to Planck's constant times nu (the Greek letter). Where E=energy in J or calories, h=Planks constant [6.022 x 10^-34 J·s, and v is the frequency of the photon (light) in Hz (or reciprocal seconds). Note also that another fundament equation is c=v·lambda (c=speed of light, lambda is wavelength of light).You could use the above equation, for example, to find out how much energy (in kilojoules) is carried by one einstein (one mole of photons) of red light with wavelength of 650nm. Some conversions need to take place, it you do the right maths you get 184 kJ/mol. Similarly blue light of wavelength 400 nm is 299 kJ/mol. (yahooanswers.com) Define Ultra violet light and upload an image:Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than x-rays, in the range 10. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-violet_light)
Define Infra red light and up load an image:A color of light redder than the human eye can see. Infrared light has wavelengths that are at least twice as long as green light. Besides visible light and infrared light there are many more types of light. These differ from each other by their wavelength. ... (isc.astro.cornell.edu/~spoon/crashcourse/glossary.html) Define an upload an image of Continuous Spectrum:Continuum of emited wave lengths. " Bright line spectrum" and Continuous spectrum with dark lines How can Astronomers know with absolute certainty that a particular star has Helium or any other element in it? Because they use spectrum's. Each element has their own pattern within a spectrum. Therefore scientists recognize each elements pattern when they view light spectrum coming from a star. They analyze either the emission, absorption or continuous spectrum patterns.This is an image that shows how each element has a different line pattern.
Are all elements that are on the periodic table also found in the Universe, how do we know this? yes,because they have not found any new elements in the universe at this time.They know this by using spectrum's.
The Post impressionists-Toulouse Lautrec(51 Min's)
Give a brief summary of how he lived and died , in your own words.(ex. what artists influenced him, his childhood his lifestyle, were he liked to go etc.) Remember be thoughtful, like the art historian you art Miranda. Toulouse Lautrec was born in 1864 on Christmas eve.He was born very rich, in Paris. When he was a child his legs were cripple. Toulouse Lautrec in his teen years, broke his left leg and soon after he broke his right.His legs never healed right, this stunted the growth of his legs.His legs were as a child but his body was of a grown man.As an adult he went to MoulinRoung almost every day painting all the women he loved and adored looking at.Gauguin and Van Gogh influenced him a lot.He continued painting through out his life, including when he was in a asylum, to stop him from drink, when he got out soon after he die, at the age 36. Did he live a bohemian lifestyle and why? Yes because he believed in the Bohemian lifestyle and also believed in Truth ,Beauty,Freedom, and Love, which is the Bohemian mod-do.He also owned no land and drank a lot which is a lot like a Bohemian. Define Lithograph: is a method for printing using a stone (lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a completely smooth surface. Lithography originally used oil or fat. Find a you tube video on stone lithograph
Moulin Rouge means what?Red windmill Describe what it was?Moulin Rouge (French for Red Windmill) is a cabaret built in 1889 by Joseph Oller, who also owned the Paris Olympia. Close to Montmartre in the Paris red-light district of Pigalle on Boulevard deClichy in the 18tharrondissement, it is marked by the facsimile of a red windmill on its roof.(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moulin_Rouge) When the Moulin Rouge opened on October 5, 1889, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec had already gained much popularity within the bohemian community and was one of the invite-only guests at the opening night party. The Moulin Rouge, which means "red mill," was just that: a huge windmill painted red. It became a landmark, and a symbol of the joiedevivre — the joy of life — in Paris at the time. The Moulin Rouge was the "rendezvous du high life." It was a theater, a concert hall, and a dance hall — all at the same time. People came from all over to dance, to watch the dancers, and to watch each other watching the dancers. And Lautrec was there, at the same table every night, drinking and sketching everything which caught his fancy, particularly the dancers. Try to find a picture of the Moulin Rouge in his time.
Define hedonist:Hedonism is a school of philosophy which argues that pleasure has an ultimate importance and is the most important pursuit of humanity. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonist Define decadent :decadency - Degeneracy: the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn decadence - A state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration; decay en.wiktionary.org/wiki/decadence See if you can use these words in describing his life. Toulouse Lautrec believed in Hedonism because he thought everything should be fun,easy and beautiful.He was also Decadent because he was artistic. lithograph posters , what one(title) made him famous. hint: can can girl what did her name mean, try to find an image of this work and post The Poster La Goulue for Moulin Rouge, her name means "The Glutton" Here is a video of her during her time.
He is known as father of what? Modern Posters Define brothel:A brothel, also known as a bordello, cat house, whorehouse, sporting house and various other euphemisms, is an establishment specifically dedicated to prostitution, providing the prostitutes a place to meet and to have sexual intercourse with clients. ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothel Define Delirium Tremors: The main symptoms are confusion, diarrhoea, disorientation and agitation and other signs of severe autonomic instability (fever, tachycardia, hypertension). Other common symptoms include intense perceptual disturbance such as visions of insects, snakes or rats (or stereotypically, pink elephants or tiny figures). These may be hallucinations, or illusions related to the environment, e.g., patterns on the wallpaper that the patient perceives as giant spiders attacking him or her. Unlike hallucinations associated with schizophrenia, delirium tremens hallucinations are primarily visual, but are also associated with tactile hallucinations such as sensations of something crawling on the subject - a phenomenon known as formication.Delirium tremens (colloquially, the DTs, "the horrors", "the fear", "the abdabs", "the jimjams" or "the rats"; afflicted individuals referred to as "jitterbugs" in 1930s Harlem slang; literally, "shaking delirium" or "'trembling madness" in Latin) is an acute episode of delirium that is usually caused by withdrawal from alcohol, first described in 1813. Benzodiazepines are the treatment of choice for delirium tremens. Find three works from his circus drawings, when and where did he create these? At what age and how did he die? 36 because of syphilis and mostly alcoholism. He also had a stroke, he could not quite his drinking he suffered the DT's, his body gave out.