Where was this library and up load a pic of the place that shows a good example.
Alexandria was in Alexandria, Egypt.

Find an image of what people think the library might have looked like, maybe find a virtual tour.

Find an image of this city and how it looks today.

How the city use to look like.

How the Alexandria looks today.
A little history about the library.
"Alexandria (population 4 million) is Egypt's second-largest city. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC - not being the most modern person on Earth, he simply named it after himself. Then the city grew continuously, in size and importance - becoming one of the major sites of the antique Mediterranean. It was famous for its lighthouse (built in the 3rd century BC, between 285 and 247 BC) which was included in the Seven Wonders of the World. However, what was most crucial in giving Alexandria the reputation of being an intellectual hub, was the legendary Royal Library of Alexandria - at the time of its existence the greatest library in the world.
Unfortunately, it was destroyed,but in 2003 the Bibliotheca Alexandria was opened at almost the same place."
from: awams.com

This is the new library.
Define a scroll and find an image?
A scroll is a roll of papyrus, parchment, or paper which has been written, drawn or painted upon for the purpose of transmitting information.(wikipedia.org)

What is an obelisk find an image, what are they used for?
An obelisk (from Greek ὀβελίσκος - obeliskos,diminutive of ὀβελός - obelos, "spit, nail, pointed pillar") is a tall, narrow, four-sided, tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top. Ancient obelisks were often monolithic whereas most modern obelisks are made of several stones, and can even have interior spaces.
My ununderstandingshat they were built to honor the sun God Ra, and represent the sun rays shining down. Similar to a pyrmid. and are found in New york, London, paris, etc.
Who was Alexander, find an image?
Alexander the Great (356 BC to 323 BC) was the King of Macedonia. He conquered most of the known world through vigorous military campaigns. He was never defeated in battle.
He was born in Paella, Macedonia, in July 356 BC. His educator was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Alexander the Great (356 BC to 323 BC) was the King of Macedonia. He conquered most of the known world through vigorous military campaigns. He was never defeated in battle.
He was born in Paella, Macedonia, in July 356 BC. His educator was the great Greek philosopher Aristotle.

When was the the library destroyed and why/ who?
When: 48 B.C.
Who: Julius Caesar
Why:accidentally burned the library when he set fire to his own ships to frustrate Achillas' attempt to limit his ability to communicate by sea
find some of the writers of the books that were recovered.
Describe what was in the library? books, a zoo, a gragden,dissecting room etc.
How many books and rooms? one million books and 10 rooms.
Why was this library so important? because it had one million books and all the knowledge of their time.
find some of the writers of the books that were recovered.
Describe what was in the library? books, a zoo, a gragden,dissecting room etc.
How many books and rooms? one million books and 10 rooms.
Why was this library so important? because it had one million books and all the knowledge of their time.
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