Define the french language and its organs.
the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France
French (français, ) is a Romance language(not because the french are considered Romantic but because the Language comes for Rome.) This language is spoken around the world by around 90 million people as first language, by 190 million as second ...most live in France but many live in Canada.
Origins: Gaul is now France, then the land had a tribe called the Franks and the land was named after them.In 1914 France battles Germany in World War I.Later in the war around 1940 Germany invades France during World War II. In 1945, Britain, France, the U.S. and other allies defeat Germany, Japan and Italy.During 1944 After four years about, Paris is needs to be feed by German.1981:François Mitterrand is elected president. He is in office for 14 years, becoming the longest-serving president in French history. 2003 the U.S.-France relations are strained when France does not support the U.S. and Britain's use of military force in Iraq.
For more info on France . click HERE.For kids Click HERE.
What is the Fleur de lis and a picture?
In French, fleur de lis literally means "lily flower". It is widely thought to be a stylized version of the species Iris pseudacorus. Decorative ornaments that resemble the fleur-de-lis have appeared in artwork from the earliest human civilizations.It has consistently been used as a royal emblem. It is an essentially graphic theme found on Mesopotamian cylinders, Egyptian bas-reliefs, Mycenean pottery, Sassanid textiles, Gaulish and Mameluk coins, Indonesian clothes, Japanese emblems, and Dogon totems.(Wikipedia)

Find a picture of the Louve and what is it:
an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris
louver: one of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain (wordnetweb.com)
One of the most important museums in the world, the Louvre was constructed by King Philippe-Auguste in 1190 as a fortress. ...(clevelandart.org)
For on info. click HERE.

French grammar
Define pronoun: pronoun - A word like I, me, you, he, him, it etc. A pronoun replaces a noun.
Words that take the place of nouns. Example: he, she, it, they, we; She called her mother.
pronoun - a word that can substitute for a noun phrase (eg he can substitute for John).
( source linguistics.com )
Define adjective:a word that expresses an attribute of something
adjectival: of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause"
the word class that qualifies nouns
relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law; "adjective law"
In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to modify a noun or pronoun, giving more information about the noun or pronoun's ...
Review of DVD lessons (one and two) beginning French
You many use your notes
How do you ask someone what their name is? COMMENT T'APPELE TU?
Define in french the following words
formal you=Vous
informal you=Tu
here is= presente
Ok Comme ci comme qa
hows it going=ca va
not bad= Pas mal
my name is= Jem'appele
to be=etre
my familiy=ma famille
black: noir male/noire female (nwahr)
white: blanc male/blanche female (blahng/blahnsh)
gray: gris male/grise female (gree/greez)
red: rouge both (roozh)
blue: bleu male/bleue female (bluh)
yellow: jaune both (zhawn)
green: vert male/verte female (vehr/vehrt)
orange: orange both (oh-RAHNZH)
purple: violet both (vee-oh-LEH)
brown:marron both (mah-ROHNG)
pink:rose both (rose)
0 zéro [zay-ro]
1 un [uh]
2 deux [duhr]
3 trois [twa]
4 quatre [katr]
5 cinq [sank]
6 six [sees]
7 sept [set]
8 huit [weet]
9 neuf [nurf]
10 dix [dees]
11 onze [onz]
12 douze [dooz]
13 treize [trez]
14 quatorze [katorz]
15 quinze [kanz]
16 seize [sez]
17 dix-sept [dee-set]
18 dix-huit [dees-weet]
19 dix-neuf [dees-nurf]
20 vingt [van]
21 vingt et un [vant-ay-uh]
22 vingt-deux [van-duhr]
30 trente [tront]
40 quarante [karont]
50 cinquante [sank-ont]
60 soixante [swa-sont]
70 soixante-dix [swa-son-dees]
71 soixante et onze [swa-sont-ay-onz]
79 soixante-dix-neuf [swa-son-dees-nurf]
80 quatre-vingts [kat-ra-van]
81 quatre-vingt-un [kat-ra-vant-uh]
89 quatre-vingt-neuf [kat-ra-van-nurf]
90 quatre-vingt-dix [kat-ra-van-dees]
91 quatre-vingt-onze [kat-ra-vant-onz]
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf [kat-ra-van-dees-nurf]
100 cent [son]
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