How many stars are in our galaxy?
400 billion star.
Find an image of the solar spectrum and give its definition with it.

The electromagnetic spectral distribution emitted by the sun or received by a collector or instrument on Earth. ...
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum occupied by the wavelengths of solar radiation. The shape is well represented by the continuum emission ...
What elements are in the sun?
Elements in the Sun
Element % of total atoms
Hydrogen1.2 7
Helium 8.7
Oxygen 0.078
Carbon 0.043
Nitrogen 0.0088
Silicon 0.0045
Magnesium 0.0038
Neon 0.0035
Iron 0.030
Sulfur 0.015
Which elements are the most abundant?
Hydrogen & Helium
What color are cooler stars:
What color are hotter stars:
BLUE & white
What is the number of years in one solar sun spot cycle?
11 years
What happens in a solar sun spot cycle?
The south and the north pole revere very 22 years.The solar cycle, or the solar magnetic activity cycle, is the main source of periodic solar variation driving variations in space weather. The cycle is observed by counting the frequency and placement of sunspots visible on the Sun. Powered by a hydromagnetic dynamo process driven by the inductive action of internal solar flows, the solar cycle.
True or False
Stars are all one color: F
Stars have their color from the refection of the temperature:T
Some animals can see humans in infra red light:T
The sun is not yellow, it is mostly in the green spectrum with other colors and therefore is blinding white:T
Temperature could be explained as atoms moving and hitting each other:T
109 earths can be placed across the sun:T
Sun spots are hotter parts of the sun:F
The sun rotates how many days for one full rotation.:30
The magnetic pole shifts every 22 years .T
for 9 years the suns magnetic pole is North and South then it changes to South and North the after the next 11 years.F
Define and explain how a Black Body Spectrum is and how it is used (image if available):In physics, a black body is an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_body_spectrum Which elements are the most abundant?
Hydrogen & Helium
What color are cooler stars:
What color are hotter stars:
BLUE & white
What is the number of years in one solar sun spot cycle?
11 years
What happens in a solar sun spot cycle?
The south and the north pole revere very 22 years.The solar cycle, or the solar magnetic activity cycle, is the main source of periodic solar variation driving variations in space weather. The cycle is observed by counting the frequency and placement of sunspots visible on the Sun. Powered by a hydromagnetic dynamo process driven by the inductive action of internal solar flows, the solar cycle.
True or False
Stars are all one color: F
Stars have their color from the refection of the temperature:T
Some animals can see humans in infra red light:T
The sun is not yellow, it is mostly in the green spectrum with other colors and therefore is blinding white:T
Temperature could be explained as atoms moving and hitting each other:T
109 earths can be placed across the sun:T
Sun spots are hotter parts of the sun:F
The sun rotates how many days for one full rotation.:30
The magnetic pole shifts every 22 years .T
for 9 years the suns magnetic pole is North and South then it changes to South and North the after the next 11 years.F
Define and explain how a Black Body Spectrum is and how it is used (image if available):In physics, a black body is an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it.
Use: It determines what temperature of a star and planets.

sunspot:a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field Wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
solar wind:A flow of charged particles that travels from the Sun out into the Solar System.www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy_glossary.html
Prominence:An eruption of hot gases above the photosphere of the Sun. Prominences are most easily visible close to the limb of the Sun, but some are also ...
A large gas eruption off the surface of the sun.
corona of the sun:(anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape
a long cigar with blunt ends
sun flare: A sudden eruption of magnetic energy released on or near the surface of the sun, usually associated with sunspots and accompanied by bursts of electromagnetic radiation and particles. Ultraviolet and x-ray radiation from solar flares often induce electromagnetic disturbances in the earth's atmosphere.
Cormasphere:the lower atmosphere of the Sun that appears as a thin rosy ring around the edge of the solar disk during a total eclipse.
The thin (10 000 km) layer of relatively transparent gases, predominantly hydrogen and helium, above the photosphere and below the corona of the sun. It is best observed during total solar eclipse when its emission spectrum may be studied.
Find an image of a human or animal in infra red light:

Fill in the Blank (italicize your word)
Humans infra red emitter light and visible light are reflectors.
The sun is the nearest star to planet earth.
An active stage is one which has a lot of sun spot activity.
Astronomers use sun spots to measure the suns rotation.
Find information (maybe from a weather source) of how and why sun spots/flares and winds effect weather and conditions on earth. up load an image if one is helpful .
unitl recently they did not think that sunspots effected the weather, but now there is some eviendeace that the solar sun spot cylce does effect us. It seems that after a 11 year cyle, which is coming up in the next two months, Jan 2010 sceienctics predict a colder winter for the south east part of the U.S. " The scientists say that it also affects North Atlantic storms and helps shape the weather from Japan to Canada and Europe to the Middle East, but that these effects have not yet been precisely pinned down.
The 11-year sunspot peak is approaching in the next few months, and scientists believe this may turn out to be the most intense period of solar activity on record" (NY Times)
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