What year did man first walk on the moon?
Find an article about finding water on the moon and give its link, why do the scientists think this is so important?
Cick here to hear verything about water on the moon!
Who said " One small step for man, one giant leap for man kind."
Find a picture of the first spaceship to land on the moon, or a picture of a man on the moon. Neil Armstrong
What are linguistic origins of Luna?
Roman mythology) the goddess of the Moon; counterpart of Greek Selene (
What is a lunatic, do you think that the moon can influence behavior and why?
DEFINITION:A lunatic is a commonly used term for a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable: a condition once called lunacy.
an insane person
daredevil: a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon
MOON INFLUENCE: Yes, I do because The moon affects the level of the ocean tides, This occurs by the gravitational pull of the Moon.Now if people are made up of mostly water then wouldn't the moon have some affect on us as it dose on the ocean?Well I do believe that it dose affect us in some way. Maybe the affect is bigger for some people and maybe others dont even reallis the change.
But I want you to pick for your self for NO I dont think the moon effects people click HERE.
for YES I do think that the mooon effects people click HERE.
True and false
over 100 men have walked on the moon False
the moon rotates in its own orbit True
The moon is tilted True
A new moon is when it is clearly seen in the sky False
Ancients saw a round shadow on earth which influenced there thoughts on the shape of the moon True
The earth goes around the sun True
The moon goes around the earth True
Describe how the the moon cycles the earth, load an image:A lunar phase or phase of the moon refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. One half of the lunar surface is always illuminated by the Sun (except during lunar eclipses), and hence is bright, but the portion of the illuminated hemisphere that is visible to an observer can vary from 100% (full moon) to 0% (new moon). The boundary between the illuminated and unilluminated hemispheres is called the terminator.

Phase Of the Moon:
New moon
Waxing Crescent moon
First Quarter Moon
Waxing gibbous moon
Full Moon
Waning gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
Darkened moon
Define Geology :a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks
Describe how tides work:Tides are the rising of Earth's ocean surface caused by the tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun acting on the oceans.
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