Define Atmosphere: An atmosphere (from Greek ἀτμός - atmos "vapor" and σφαῖρα - sphaira "sphere") is a layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass, by the gravity of the body, and are retained for a longer duration if gravity is high and the atmosphere's temperature is low.
Some facts about it.
- Is thick enough to breath but but to thin so we can not swim or float in it.
- Sometimes called ocean of air
- We live on the bottom of it
- It's like a blanket
- Protects the earth from menders and comets
- It is where the clouds and rain come from
- There is a lot of air it about 5 and a half million billion tons
- It is very thin but heavy
- It has 5 layers
The 5 layers of the Atmosphere

- Is the closest to the Earth
- Makes rain,snow,wind and all the weather
- Is where we live
- Takes heat from the sun
- Turns oxygen into ozone
- Protects us from UV
- Definition of UV:ultraviolet: radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays (
- The ozone layer protects us from UV light
3. Mesosphere-
- Cold
- in the middle
- melts comets and menders
- Strong winds
- Thin
- protects us from gamma rays
- Definition of Gama rays: gamma radiation. A very high energy form of electromagnetic radiation, typically with wavelengths.(
(of Radiation): Electromagnetic radiation of high photon energy originating in atomic nuclei and accompanying many nuclear reactions (eg, fission, radioactivity, and neutron capture). .(
5. Exosphere-
- little atoms
* The lower the presser the higher the altitude and the higher presser the lower altitude.
* The lower the altitude the higher the presser and the higher the altitude the lower the presser.
* Example: Why is it colder on a Mountain than it is in the city? because the Mountain is higher than the city, and the closer you get to the Mesosphere the colder it gets. The higher you get the less air there is.The city is low to the ground and is sounded by air the air acts like many blackest.
- Definion of the greenhouse effect:warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere; caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth. (
- When the atomsphere keeps the earth warm.
- Without the atomsphere the world would blow-up
- just joking
- it would be really cold at night and really hot during the day
- The atomsphere keeps every thing even and nice
nice job, it seems like you really used your notes, I like to see that, there are a few spelling errors, please try to fix, and by the way loved the little joke, you got me !! made me smile, nice to have a little comic relief,love you