Manet was born in Paris on January 23 1832. He started an interest to art when he failed his classes or school.He was very upset that he did not pass school because he wanted to go to law school.He tried to go back to school but he was not excepted.Therefore he started to study art.He studied art for six years.After the six years he felt he was ready to go on his on and become famous. As a child that's all he wanted was fame and fortune. The two F's.After the his art schooling he started a relationship, with a women. Soon After his relationship started he found out his woman was with child and it was his.Manet had a son.
In 1858 his first painting was excepted at the louver it got bad reviews.It was called the absinthe drinker. Though out his life his work was criticized and made fun of.Many of his work was not excepted into the louver.

2 of his painting made it in to the louver one was of his parents and the second was of a Spanish singer.Manet like to draw Spanish people. He really liked drawing bullfights.He became well known though out Paris.

Two of his Famous paintings:

Olympia-which meant prosiute.This piece was excepted but all critic the hated it because Olympia was a prosiute in his time and the man did not want to see someone that they saw in lets say another life.
Le déjeuner sur l'herbe-means the lunch on the glass.It was not excepted but was showed because the emperor Napoleon the 3rd wanted all the pieces that were not excepted to be shown in another room in the louver. The critic of course hate.This painting was painted the same year as Olympia and the same model.

A news writer prised Manet in his news paper.This made Manet happy because every time the louver rejected it made him depressed.The writer was fired because there was so many complaints.
Manet felt really bad that his art was not liked and was disliked so much.
1860's- critic still hated his work .
- He likes Japanese print
- He went to war
- He had feels for most of his models
- After he went to war he started to use more bright colors blue pink and etc. and used less dark colors.
- He had syphilis when he was 40
- 18 mouths to live when he found out he had this disease
- had to have his leg cut off because he got gang green. cutting off the leg did not help.
- 10 days later he died on April 30 1883 at the age 51
wow very interesting, I enjoyed reading it, you did not tell me what your feelings are about his art, and lets fix the spelling errors. Did you like his work?