Load a self portrait of Degas.

He painted history painting what does that mean?
History painting is the painting of scenes with narrative content from classical history, Christian history, and mythology, as well as depicting the historical events of the near past. These include paintings with religious, mythological, historical, literary, or allegorical subjects--they embodied some interpretation of life or conveyed a moral or intellectual message. The historical events chosen would be iconographic, not only depicting important events, but ones of particular significance to the painter's society, as for instance, the signing of the declaration of independence in American history painting. The event, if suitable, does not need to have actually occurred, and artists have frequently taken great liberties with historical facts in order to portray the message desired.
Dellacou find this artist. How do you think that he influenced him?
Eugène Delacroix:

link:click HERE
Influence: profoundly shaped the work of the Impressionists
Degas painted in the essence method : a method of painting, dry out the oil, soaked it off, the oil, leaving it to appear like pastel.
what were his favorite colors n in his early life and how did he use colors. describe a limited palette.
White and very light colors.On one painting he would use at most 3 to 4 colors.
He met a Friend Manet that he met at the Louver. Degas was younger, and Manet gave him advice. they became Friends.Find a self portrait of Manet. Manet and Degas criticized each other.

Degas liked to paint race horses. Find two paintings of this subject matter.

He was told "Never from nature" he thought t hat portrait painting was boring.
America became the market from impressionist painting.
He was called a misogynist, what does that mean?•One who professes misogyny; a hater of women; One who displays prejudice against or looks down upon women
Find the image "The Rape", it comes from a real story, a novel, a cruel book. What do you think of the painting? To me it is very strange,dark and scary.
Did Degas go to America? Yes. Find the only painting that he painted while he visited.
This picture is famous because it was like a camera took a picture of the men reading the paper.
He spent a lot of time in the theater and back stage to paint ballet dancers.
After his Dads death, he needed money and now he tried to sell his paintings, so he organized several art exhibitions .
At the first group art show he showed 10 paintings were his reviews good?Yes.How did the press review the show as a whole? No
At the exhibit where he showed 22 paintings, how did the critic view Degas? good
He used oil and pastel , find pastel and a you tube video Showing a drawing of degas ballet dancers.
Define pastel:Pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation.
He spent a lot of time in the theater and back stage to paint ballet dancers.
After his Dads death, he needed money and now he tried to sell his paintings, so he organized several art exhibitions .
At the first group art show he showed 10 paintings were his reviews good?Yes.How did the press review the show as a whole? No
At the exhibit where he showed 22 paintings, how did the critic view Degas? good
He used oil and pastel , find pastel and a you tube video Showing a drawing of degas ballet dancers.
Define pastel:Pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation.
Made of :
Dry pastels have historically used binders such as gum Arabic, gum tragacanth. Methyl cellulose was introduced as a binder in the twentieth century. Often a chalk or gypsum component is present. They are available in varying degrees of hardness, the softer varieties being wrapped in paper.Dry pastel media can be subdivided as follows:
Soft pastels: This is the most widely used form of pastel. The sticks have a higher portion of pigment and less binder, resulting in brighter colors. The drawing can be readily smudged and blended, but it results in a higher proportion of dust. Drawings made with soft pastels require a fixative to prevent smudging.
Hard pastels: These have a higher portion of binder and less pigment, producing a sharp drawing material that is useful for fine details. These can be used with other pastels for drawing outlines and adding accents. However the colors are less brilliant than with soft pastels.
Pastel pencils: These are pencils with a pastel lead. They are useful for adding fine details.
In addition, pastels using a different approach to manufacture have been developed:
Oil pastels: These have a soft, buttery consistency and intense colors. They are slightly more difficult to blend than soft pastels, but do not require a fixative.
Water-soluble pastels: These are similar to soft pastels, but contain a water-soluble component, such as glycol. This allows the colors to be thinned out using a water wash.
There has been some debate within art societies as to what exactly counts as a pastel. The Pastel Society within the UK (the oldest pastel society) states the following are acceptable media for its exhibitions: "Pastels, including Oil pastel, Charcoal, Pencil, Conté, Sanguine, or any dry media". The emphasis appears to be on "dry media" but the debate continues.
(from wikipedia)
He melted the pastel, or boiled them and painted with them. This allowed him to layer.
he became friends with many of the dancers. he collected old master paintings. Manet died and other friends died and effected him. Gauguin didn't like Degas. They did not trust him to organize the exhibition. He painted nudes, and these received acclaim. Find a nude and up load.

Degas did not like Monet, thinking his art too decorative.
His later work focused on only women, he did not show their faces. He thought that his paintings were cruel, why? especially the nude.I don't really know but my guess is, is because his mother die when he was so young. So he never really had a female influence.Therefore he was scary, afraid and shy of women. Also as child boys find girl gross and weird and maybe even cruel.They called him a voyeur, define voyeurism.
•a perversion in which a person receives sexual gratification from seeing the genitalia of others or witnessing others' sexual behavior
He was anti Semitic, what does this mean.•relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews
He was an avid art collector and purchased many masterpieces, even a Gauguin, etc.
Try to find one of Degas photographs?

Up load. what did Degas like about it? he liked them because it took a picture of a moment in time and that's is the mane idea of impressism.How did he use them. he would take a picture then take it back to his studio and compare is sceaches to the picture and then paint the finish piece.
Russian Dancers, he used unusual colors, this painting was one that began move into expressionism. Find this painting.
Russian Dancers, he used unusual colors, this painting was one that began move into expressionism. Find this painting.

He went nearly blind in old age. 1917 he died.
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