The Scream
Review of
-Munch (50 MIN)
Describe Munich s childhood and how did it effect his painting?
"1868 Munch's mother dies of tuberculosis at the age of 30. Her sister, Karen Bjolstad, takes over household.
1877 Sister, Sophie, dies of tuberculosis at age of 15. "(edvardmunch.com)
This effected him a lot in his art, it made his art more gloomy because he was so very little when he lost his mother and sister.
define Bohemians, Munch consider himself one -A group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style
or A nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life.
define Kierkegaard- Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (; ) (5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855) was a prolific 19th century Danish philosopher and theologian. What is the Philosphy?
Define Angst:In German, an emotional state of anxiety without a specific cause. In existentialism, the term refers to general human anxiety at having free will. www.bigcityart.com
Describe Munich s childhood and how did it effect his painting?
"1868 Munch's mother dies of tuberculosis at the age of 30. Her sister, Karen Bjolstad, takes over household.
1877 Sister, Sophie, dies of tuberculosis at age of 15. "(edvardmunch.com)
This effected him a lot in his art, it made his art more gloomy because he was so very little when he lost his mother and sister.
define Bohemians, Munch consider himself one -A group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style
or A nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life.
define Kierkegaard- Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (; ) (5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855) was a prolific 19th century Danish philosopher and theologian. What is the Philosphy?
Define Angst:In German, an emotional state of anxiety without a specific cause. In existentialism, the term refers to general human anxiety at having free will. www.bigcityart.com
Define Melancholy: a feeling of thoughtful sadness
a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the ...
black bile: a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
somber: grave or even gloomy in character; "solemn and mournful music"; "a suit of somber black"; "a somber mood" wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed
characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the ...
black bile: a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
somber: grave or even gloomy in character; "solemn and mournful music"; "a suit of somber black"; "a somber mood" wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
Munch liked pointillism define this style and try to find an example: "Pointillism is a style of painting in which small distinct dots of color create the impression of a wide selection of other colors and blending. or a school of painters who used a technique of painting with tiny dots of pure colors that would blend in the viewer's eye." (wikipedia.com)
What artist influenced him the most, Van Gogh, Pizarro, Cezanne, Monet or Gauguin.
Munch was not known for his landscapes, what was his subject matter?
He was known for his death, love and anxiety paintings.
How did he die? "1944 Shortly after his 80th birthday, on January 23, Edvard Munch dies peacefully at home in Ekely. Bequeaths 1,000 paintings, 15,400 prints, 4,500 drawings and watercolors, and 6 sculptures to the city of Oslo." (Edvardmunch.com)
For more info. on Munch go here!

Munch was not known for his landscapes, what was his subject matter?
He was known for his death, love and anxiety paintings.
How did he die? "1944 Shortly after his 80th birthday, on January 23, Edvard Munch dies peacefully at home in Ekely. Bequeaths 1,000 paintings, 15,400 prints, 4,500 drawings and watercolors, and 6 sculptures to the city of Oslo." (Edvardmunch.com)
For more info. on Munch go here!
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